Holy Mass & Confession


Important: please consult the website for the current weekly newsletter in case any changes have been made to these Mass, Confession and Holy Hour times below week-by-week. The newsletter also shows Mass intentions.

Sunday Mass

Sunday: 8 a.m., 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Daily Mass

Monday: No Mass today

Tuesday:       12.00 noon.

Wednesday:  9.30 a.m

Thursday:      9.30 a.m. followed by Holy Hour, Exposition, Rosary, Benediction

Friday:            9.30 am

Saturday:       9.00 a.m. followed by Holy Hour, Exposition, Rosary, Benediction

Mass on Holy Days of Obligation during the week

9.30 am

7.30 pm


Saturday   10.15 – 10.45 a.m. during Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Sunday       9.15 –  9.45 a.m.
And after every weekday Mass and by appointment by contacting Fr Peter on 07921 667679 or on his private e-mail address petersebastian@rcaos.org.uk

Rosary and Daily Mass

Rosary begins at 9.00 a.m. before Mass on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and at 10 am on Saturdays during Holy Hour.